Improved Visibility For The Color-Blind!

Specially chosen 630 nm Red LEDs combined w/ our special
Lexan® Diffuser Panel is at the heart of the new Solid Letter design

Never has a red LED exit been so visible to the color-blind.*

Research suggests Green on Black may be the most visible to color-deficient observers.
(That's 1 in 50 men and 1 in 2500 women!!!)

After learning of recent color-blind research, we decided to go with the 630nm LED in our new Solid Letter design. To "normal" sighted people it appears a little more orange than the usual red EXIT, a difference only noticeable when one of each type exit is placed side by side. However, that's enough for most exit manufacturers to dash toward the perceived largest seller; the standard red. We have chosen, instead, to err on the side of color-deficient observers until we learn just how important the difference is. We encourage you to do the same.

Specify 630nm Red on White or Green on Black LED Exit Signs.

*About 8% of men and 0.18% of women are color defective in some sense (i.e. 1 in 12 men and 1 in 550 women), but the numbers who are likely to be helped by our new design (protanopes and anomalous protanopes) are closer to 2% of males and 0.04% of females (i.e. 1 in 50 men and 1 in 2500 women).


Gilbert® Dot-Matrix LED ExitsTM
(i.e. "Direct-View" Type)
The Reliability Revolution
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Gilbert Industries, Inc. 5611 Krueger Drive, Jonesboro, AR 72401
TOLL FREE: (800) 643-0400 PHONE: (870) 932-6070 FAX: (870) 932-5609
Site Created: August 1996 Copyright© 1996-Today, Gilbert Industries, Inc.